Women RISE

Promoting action-oriented and gender-transformative research

About Us

Women RISE seeks to support action-oriented, gender-transformative research on how women’s health and their work (paid or unpaid) intersect and interact in the context of preparing for, responding to and recovering from COVID-19.

Women RISE Projects

The Women RISE initiative supports several projects. Each project is a potential step toward pandemic preparedness for vulnerable groups.


Women RISE conducts gender transformational research and collects evidence on COVID-19 and women’s health and work.
Examining the Socio-economic and Health Vulnerabilities of Female Bushmeat Traders in Ghana
The Women RISE Health Policy and Research Organization
Femnet provides leadership in Gender issues under the Women RISE Health Policy Research Organization
Addressing Obstacles of Social Protection Policies for Peruvian Women Domestic Workers
Women Rise Together Across the Life Course (Write-life)
Endemicity, Care and Gender: Developing Resilience in Malaysia’s Essential Care Workforce
International Women’s Day 2023
Women Rise Documentary
Announcements, reports, policy briefs, research summaries

Women RISE Issue 3

Newsletter 3 | November 01, 2023 Introducing the Women RISE Website We are thrilled to


The Women RISE Initiative

Newsletter  | October 31, 2023 Video documenting discussions at the East Africa Regional learning workshop

Women RISE Issue 2

Newsletter 2 | June 19, 2023 Celebrating Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises The Women RISE

Our Funders